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Shelley Ostroff (PhD)

A deep concern about the harm humans are causing to each other, animals and the planet, has led me on a lifelong journey of study and practice to develop a holistic approach to whole-system healing and health.  

The approach has been cultivated over more than 30 years working with leadership and people from all walks of life from different sectors of society and across continents  as a therapist, consultant, teacher, writer and creative partner in cultivating individual and systemic wellness in groups, organizations and communities.

TOGETHER IN CREATION and UBUNTU 4 ANIMALS are dedicated to applying this holistic whole-system health approach to cultivating the health and vitality of the planet and all its inhabitants.

This website also brings together diverse content from my personal and professional journey that has contributed to the evolution of Together in Creation. 

Yan Golding


For over 20 years Yan Golding has been researching and playing in the fields of conscious personal and cultural evolution. In 2003 he co-founded an ecovillage in South Africa where he lived and worked for 8 years. Yan has taught permaculture and ecovillage design, and has initiated a transition town in Portugal. He is passionate about discovering and cataloging regenerative and systemic solutions and innovations. Since 2010 Yan has devoted himself to supporting the global transformation movements towards unity and trans-disciplinary collaboration for transitioning our dysfunctional social systems.

Since 2015 he has co-initiated and stewarded United Earth, Synergy Hub, Global Solutions Day and A Solutions Revolution. He is currently serving as co-creator and co-steward of Together in Creation, and is leading the implementation of many of the initiatives and frameworks through direct partnerships with other networks and innovative platforms.

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Lidewij Marinissen

After obtaining her bachelor in Social Work, Lidewij worked as a counselor and coach within the homelessness support field, focussing on alcohol/drug addicted adults and people on the street with severe emotional challenges. Being confronted with the deficiency of the current system on a daily basis, she felt the need to step back and decided to explore the world. She traveled, lived and worked in different countries and communities over the course of 10 years. 

With a growing concern about the multiple crises in all sectors, she began to explore ways of catalyzing change at the global level, and inspired by the whole-system health framework, she joined Together in Creation in the summer of 2018. She brings diverse creative skills and passion for developing effective organizational systems to support coordinated citizen mobilization for whole-system transformation.

She served as a key international coordinator of Extinction Rebellion, helping to grow the movement to over 60 countries in its early developmental stages.

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Keli Mara 

As a young social activist and youth worker, Keli went on to study and qualify as a child protection Social Worker in 2010, wanting to make a positive difference to some of the most vulnerable in society. Alongside this work, Keli also became an animal activist and community organizer, setting up various projects that bring people together in the spirit of community, solidarity and collective healing.


Keli is also devoted to personal healing and evolution, and during her journey with this so far, she recognized the parallels between personal and whole-system health. In recent times, Keli has discovered the political impact on the personal, and how the current system actively conditions and indoctrinates us into being disconnected from ourselves, each other, animals and the planet. 


With these learnings, and through her community work, Keli believes that the system needs to change to one that benefits all of life. Keli learned of Together in Creation and felt such a deep resonance with the core principles, that she joined the team in March 2020. She is dedicated to sharing her passion in supporting meaningful change at a global level and utilizing her organizational skills.


Kelly Schlesinger

With deep gratitude to Kelly Schlesinger for the foundational role she played in the first 4 years of Together in Creation.

Graphic artist / musician / animal activist  Kelly brought a range of creative and technological skills to supporting the production of the range of materials Shelley had developed over many years and played a central role in developing the website, the graphics, videos and editing of material. 


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Beatrix Toresz


With deep gratitude to Beatrix Toresz for generously gifting her graphic design and video making skills to the work of Together in Creation + link Website

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