For the Health and Vitality of the Planet and all its Inhabitants

Our Work
Initiating and supporting pathways for transitioning to a new form of local and global governance that is dedicated to protecting and cultivating the health and vitality of the planet and all its inhabitants for future generations.
Our Core Principle
As part of an interconnected planetary ecosystem, human well-being is interdependent with the well-being of the environment and all species. Our role, as human beings, is to learn and evolve how to best contribute to the healthy evolution of all Life.

Our Primary Challenge
To shift from systems designed to dominate and exploit Life for the privilege of a few, to systems designed to cultivate and regenerate Life for the benefit of all - what we refer to as whole-system health and healing.

Eco-Governance: Eco-Governance offers a unifying framework for an innovative and natural way of organizing ourselves as a species.
For more information click here
Codes for a Healthy Earth: Codes for a Healthy Earth offers a foundational whole-system framework to support people in working together across national, cultural and ideological boundaries for radical system transformation and rapid social and ecological regeneration.
For more information click here
Global Alliance for a World Water Law & World Water Year 2022: The proposal for a World Water Law works to ensure the global restoration of the planetary Water bodies and the Water cycle and to guarantee that all humans and animals have vital access to natural, uncontaminated Water. For more information click here
7 Days of Rest: An annual global event that takes place the first week of every year. The aim of the event is to begin the New Year by co-creating a global unified field of intention and experience dedicated to the healing and replenishment of the planet and all its inhabitants. For more information click here
Deconstructing Democracy: An analysis of the fundamental flaws and myths of democracy that supports the realization of the need for a radically new governance system and ways of organizing ourselves as a species rooted in the language of Life. For more information click here
Ubuntu 4 Animals: A platform initiated in 2013 for raising awareness to end the suffering of animals at the hands of humans, and inspire healing relationships with all species. For more information click here