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For the Animals, for the Planet, for Humanity
Ubuntu 4 Animals is dedicated to the legal, religious and cultural protection of animals from human abuse. Ubuntu 4 Animals came into being in November 2013 with our first project - an AVAAZ petition to Pope Francis calling on him to use his role to protect animals. Ubuntu 4 Animals works to develop and make available materials contributing to the emerging paradigm that puts the planet and all its inhabitants first. Add your Voice for the Animals is a vibrant Facebook Page for inspiring right relationship with Animals.
A Prayer for the Animals
With profound shame and grief
we ask forgiveness for the
excruciating suffering
we have inflicted upon you for millennia
while you have sacrificed yourselves
in service of the evolution of consciousness
We thank you and honor you
for having selflessly taught us
the limits and limitlessness of our capacity for
compassion and cruelty
that result from being trapped in
artificial polarities between
good and evil
right and wrong
superiority and inferiority
mastery and slavery
birthed into being as humans
began to pursue
the consciousness of the
Tree of Knowledge and law
severed from heart wisdom
and the vital intelligence
of the Tree of Life
We pray that we can now claim
the state of grace
that is the pure experience
of love and gratitude
towards you and all sentient beings
We now commit to learning from you
the principle of sacred relationship,
the secret of vitality,
that is the life enhancing balance
of mutual nourishment,
of giving and receiving
among all uniquely self-realized parts
of our interdependent whole
In November 2013, Ubuntu 4 Animals initiated a petition to Pope Francis through AVAAZ, appealing to him to do all in his power to protect animals from human abuse.
COP 21 Climate Petition