Animals Plants and Biodiversity | Water | Housing | New Economy | Food and Agriculture | Ancient Wisdom and Consciousness | Art | Peace | Plastic, recycling and consumerism | Women and gender | Cities and Communities | Governance and Law | Interconnectedness and Interdependence | Education | Activism | Energy | Humanity and Compassion | The Planet and Climate | Awakening | Media and Celebrities
The Fifth Sacred Thing by Jessica Perlstein
"An Ecocity is a human settlement modeled on the self sustaining resilient structure and function of natural ecosystems. The ecocity provides healthy abundance to its inhabitants without consuming more (renewable) resources than it produces, without producing more waste than it can assimilate, and without being toxic to itself or neighboring ecosystems. Its inhabitants’ ecological impact reflect planetary supportive lifestyles; its social order reflects fundamental principles of fairness, justice and reasonable equity." ~ from EcoCityBuilders.org
Videos & Documentaries
Kigali, Rwanda builds health and community at city scale
Create a sustainable community in your neighbourhood
The Urban Green - Sustainable Solutions for Cities
Singapore: Asia's greenest city
Brixton Pound: Local Digital Currency
Urban Gardening & Food Production
Urbinsight - next-generation data analysis platform designed for participatory mapping and planning processes
In Transition 2.0: a story of resilience and hope in extraordinary times
Books & Articles
Book 1 – Integral City: Evolutionary Intelligences for the Human Hive, by Marilyn Hamilton. This is the core book that discusses the 12 intelligences of the human hive.
Book 2 – Integral City Inquiry & Action: Designing Impact for the Human Hive, by Marilyn Hamilton. This is the field guide to Book 1. Learn how to add value to the city through inquiry, action and impact that changes you as you change the city.

A Pattern Language
Towns, Buildings, Construction
by Christopher Alexander, Sara Ishikawa, Murray Silverstein
Village Wisdom: Future Cities
Edited by Richard Register and Brady Peaks
Enabling Eco-Cities: Defining, Planning, and Creating a Thriving Future by Dominique Hes
Enabling Eco-Cities: Defining, Planning, and Creating a Thriving Future by Dominique Hes
Urban Planet
edited by Thomas Elmqvist, Xuemei Bai, Niki Frantzeskaki, Corrie Griffith, David Maddox, Timon McPhearson, Susan Parnell, Patricia Romero-Lankao, David Simon, Mark Watkins
How a Peer-to-Peer Approach is Transforming Urban Systems Cities Around the World: An Example from Cusco
by Sven Eberlein
Implementing Sustainable Development — 8 Tips for Cities and Citizens
By Kirstin Miller, for Medium
Urban Ecovillages in North America
These days, you can find ecovillages in more places than ever – including Los Angeles or San Diego
by Saul Of-Heart
Organizations, Networks, Initiatives & Resources

Sustainable Cities International (SCI) works with cities around the world to bring about change towards urban sustainability. We ( or the team) do so by building human capacity within cities to advance effective collaboration and accelerate learnings.
Sharing Cities aims to irreversibly change the way we think about the role of digital technology in our cities and to clarify how we all can benefit from and contribute to this transformation process.
In a Compassionate Community, the needs of all the inhabitants of that community are recognized and met, the well-being of the entire community is a priority, and all people and living things are treated with respect.

10 years since the first formal commitment towards Zero Waste from a European city, and the subsequent support of the Zero Waste Europe network, today we have all the knowledge and examples necessary to make this philosophy go mainstream. This is why we created the Zero Waste Masterplan: a framework for action to promote the Zero Waste model in Europe.
The Sharing Cities Alliance is a city network operated by an independent foundation that connects cities from all continents, and fosters city-to-city collaboration, empowering city governments to continuously address the sharing economy.
Around the world, C40 cities are taking bold climate action, leading the way towards a healthier and more sustainable future.
The Nature of Cities is an international platform for transdisciplinary dialogue and urban solutions. We facilitate the sharing of diverse, transformative ideas about cities as ecosystems of people, nature, and infrastructure.

ICLEI provides technical consulting, training and information services to build capacity, share knowledge and support local government in the implementation of sustainable development at the local level. Our basic premise is that locally designed and driven initiatives can provide an effective and cost-efficient way to achieve local, national and global sustainability objectives.
Our passion for the health of cities and the people who live in them has driven the development of a proven, replicable model for creating sustainable, thriving neighborhoods. Community engagement, connected systems and restorative environmental design are at the core of our work toward building resilience.
Upcoming Events & Actions
ICLEI World Congress 2018. June 19 - 22. Montreal, Canada
Every three years, ICLEI (Local Governments for Sustainability) holds its World Congress to showcase how local and regional governments across our network are advancing sustainable urban development worldwide. The ICLEI World Congress connects them with their peers and strategic partners, and provides a platform for discussions that will inform and enhance their work.
URBIO 2018. September 11 - 14. Cape Town, South Africa
URBIO (International Network for Urban Biodiversity and Design) is an open worldwide network of educators, scientists, government officials, and practitioners that promote the design and management of sustainable cities.
ECOCITY World Summit 2019. October 7 - 11, 2019. Vancouver, Canada
In 2019, Vancouver will proudly host an international audience of urban stakeholders who are eagerly looking to develop cities in balance with the natural world. We are actively working with key individuals to create a program that speaks to the many challenges cities face around the globe.
World Cities Summit 2018. July 8 - 12. Singapore
Themed "Liveable & Sustainable Cities: Embracing the Future through Innovation and Collaboration", the 6th World Cities Summit in 2018 will explore how cities can be more liveable and resilient through better governance and planning, technology and social innovations, as well as collaborations with various stakeholders with other cities.
Sharing Cities Summit November 11 - 15. Barcelona, Spain.
The Sharing Cities Summit in Barcelona will be combined with the Smart City Expo World Congress and, builds on the already acquired insights and collected intelligence from our online seminars and the prior summits in Amsterdam and New York City.