Old V new paradigm
Educates for external social order, Prepares for higher education
Out-dated, bureaucratic, Controlled by government system. Tries to adapt children to system
Encourages dependence on external authority
Competition, Rigid control
Disconnected information / Subjects disconnected from self and life
as well as social political and environmental context
Focuses on knowledge fragmented knowledge areas taught out of context not relevant to life
Content - language, science and humanities disciplines taught as isolated knowledge areas
Impart knowledge in limited areas according to out-dated notions of skills needed by adults.
Standardized teaching and evaluation methods
Standardization of subjects
Frontal set curriculum classes
Mainly cognitive rational knowledge
Fixed subject matter, closed to creativity, sterile.
Disconnected to the community and environment
Learning while disconnected from other social functions / indoctrinate (media) children with unhealthy values
Low salary teachers with little motivation or training
Educates for individual, community and environmental health and vitality, Prepares for life
Vibrant and evolving, Supported by government. Works at adapting system to student
Encourages independence, autonomy and co-operation
Organic healthy self-organization / Self-discipline and awareness of behavior consequences
Interconnected disciplines relevant in real life contexts.
Disciplines related to self and environmental awareness and healing
Focuses on health knowledge areas taught in integrative experiential and contextual way, relevant to life
Content - addresses spectrum of life in relevant and meaningful ways.
Subjects linked and in service of health social political and environmental contexts.
Impart love of learning and skills for doing so
Adaptive teaching and evaluation according to context, needs and abilities of child.
Diversity and applied wisdom
Community based projects using the best technology all age groups to learn any subject on their own
Attends to different multiple intelligences and mental, emotional, physical and spiritual dimensions
Creative innovation. Cultivate every child’s unique gifts and the expression of these gifts
Healthy mutually nourishing relationship with the community and environment.
Integrative concept that works with honest information, health, finance and spirituality.
Teachers who are trained at facilitating children in discovering their full potential by combining knowledge guidance stimuli and emotional support. Mentoring coming generations to engage similarly with wisdom and generosity.