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Evolving Virtual Ecosphere

EVE is an evolving framework for an integrative online global community platform dedicated to the healing, health and vitality of the planet and all its inhabitants. EVE provides the foundations for a global community of citizens committed to a thriving future for all Life, to co-create and organize itself effectively, pooling resources for the good of the whole. 

Our capacity to organize effectively in service of Life can only be as conscious and holistic as the concepts that inform it. It is therefore essential that the foundations of our collective organizing systems are rooted in essential Life wisdom, and evolve together with evolving consciousness. 


Advanced modern technologies are, for the most part, being developed and used by those in power to strengthen the current exploitative and divisive system of profit and privilege. These very same technologies, however, hold the potential to support a highly efficient global stewardship system that can unite us in service of our collective healing and a thriving future for all. They can provide the necessary infrastructures to support the evolution of humanity as a healthy species, capable of self-reflection and efficient communication that organizes itself in alignment with the health of the whole.

In order to ensure that the different physical and subtle dimensions of our shared ecosystems are addressed in a 

Life-enhancing way, it is essential that the technologies we use apply an accumulated wisdom from diverse traditions and reflect the different interconnected parts of the whole in their dynamic, holonic nature.


Below is a draft blueprint for EVE - a comprehensive, holistic framework for a global community platform. The outline suggests a way of thinking about the different elements that need to be attended to if we are to engage in healthy self-organization around the sacred stewardship of all Life.


The virtual ecosphere is not organized according to arbitrary man-made boundaries of nation states, or religious ideologies, but rather, as in Nature, according to the diverse interconnected, holonic, living ecosystems of which we are all part.

EVE will provide the global and local communities with healthy alternatives to many of the societal functions currently dominated by governments and corporations. It will achieve its power and authority through its expertise in managing complexity in efficient and life-enhancing ways. By channeling collective resources creatively into the health of the whole, the ecosphere provides the foundation for a new form of holistic Eco-Governance that can over time lead the way forward to replace many of the current governance frameworks and structures. The EVE technology framework supports the implementation of the Eco-Governance framework that puts the health of the whole as its core organizing principle.




Orienting questions:

1.  What are the different aspects of human consciousness and community that need to be addressed by a virtual global community platform to ensure that we can evolve coherently as a species?

2. How can the organizing principle for the technology best be informed by distilled human wisdom from diverse traditions?

Whole-system healing wisdom rooted in diverse healing and wisdom traditions informs the blueprint for EVE, as does knowledge from diverse disciplines and traditions.  The current blueprint leaves scope for ongoing refinement and evolution. The technology will evolve with the growing community, as more and more aligned “citizens” join and share their resources. The foundational technology will provide the building blocks that can be developed and evolve in co-creative self-organization by members of the community.

AGREEMENTS: Community members support the framework of Codes for a Healthy Earth as a collective compass and work with the shared set of values and agreements of Citizens for a Healthy Earth.  

The KEY ORGANIZING PRINCIPLE for developing all aspects of the technology is the VITALITY CODE. The vitality code is a code of life that ensures that each part of the ecosystem receives precisely what it needs in order to manifest its unique potential in service of the whole. 




The 13 HOUSES of the platform outline the key complementary technology areas to be developed.

1st House: Membership/citizenship – identity

PURPOSE: To enable members to create personal and community/organizational profiles that enable easy and meaningful connectivity around identity, purpose, passion, needs, resources and co-creative potential.


Technology includes apps that support joining, profile management, curating, showcasing, filtering, mapping, flagging etc.


2nd House: Value creation and exchange, and supporting the vitalizing flow of energy and resources for the good of the whole.

PURPOSE:  To create a vibrant community ‘economy’ that for example:

  • supports diverse forms of value exchange,

  • strives for a vitalizing, waste-free and replenishing stewardship and distribution of human and environmental resources

  • engages with and influences the ‘’outside economy” in healthy ways

  • creates and manages a Mother Fund for investing in the community ecosystem and distributing resources to where they provide maximum benefit with minimum effort

  • cultivates awareness as to how all forms of energy flow through the system and impact the system 

  • uses big data to analyze and improve the distribution of resources for optimizing whole-system health


3rd House: Communication and Networking:

PURPOSE: To support connections and relationships and the efficient sharing and flow of life-enhancing information. For example:

  • Social Media

  • News and social feeds that support people receiving and sharing information in service of their purpose and passion

  • Search apps that easily enable people to find and communicate with each other, according to purpose, needs and resources

  • Social forums for community meet-ups

  • Purposeful discussion, planning and co-creative forums

  • Mapping of individuals, groups, organizations, resources, needs, relationships, networks


4th House: Home, Ecosystem and Community development 

PURPOSE: To provide the information and infrastructures to for example:

  • Connect around building healthy families, eco-systems and communities

  • Facilitate people coming together to be engaged in serving the community in diverse ways

  • Enable sharing and development of community resources.

  • Platforms for citizens to campaign and self-organize around serving communities and ecosystems in need

  • Restore and cultivate indigenous wisdom and species.


5th House:  Media, Entertainment, Culture and Co-creation, Leisure 

PURPOSE: To provide a comprehensive alternative to current news and entertainment media, in support of a healthy cultural narrative and experience. For example:

  • News, entertainment,  games, inspirational reality tv.

  • Virtual rooms for co-creating and artistic expression.


6th House: Health, Healing and Service


PURPOSE: To support members in serving humanity and the community of Life and in being able to heal the human and environmental imbalance and trauma. For example:

  • Biofeedback apps

  • Apps designed to support people with special needs

  • Apps designed to identify and manage environmental challenges

  • Apps that supports human and environmental health and healing

  • Healing and solution-oriented forums

  • Apps that link health needs to resources


7th House: Sacred Relationship, partnership and energy management

PURPOSE: To cultivate sacred relationship with each other and all of creation. For example:

  • Apps that support learning about the other, their needs, culture, resources, potentialities history

  • Apps for discovering potential partnerships 

  • Apps designed to support people in managing conflict (eg. mediation techniques)

  • Apps that encourage a deeper understanding of and honoring engagement with all species and all of Creation.


8th House: Transformation


PURPOSE: To enable the system to see itself, recognize patterns and their consequences and opportunities and to transform itself. For example:


  • Using big data to see trends in all spheres of life, analyze their consequences and disseminate information.

  • Data banks and apps for members to upload information in service of health of the whole.

  • Community Research apps – that enable members to engage in building a deeper understanding of collective processes.

  • Apps that unveil imbalances of power in the system and work to heal them.


9th House: Learning

PURPOSE: To provide the learning opportunities for all to receive the optimal learning experiences and information needed to fulfil their unique roles. For example:


  • A comprehensive evolving user-generated database and library – that organizes information in ways that support the learning needs of the individual and the community.

  • Forums for education that identify the curricula for a healthy world.

  • Library of solutions

  • Connects members with learning opportunities (eg. Mentors, courses, etc)

  • Focuses on holistic information about interconnectedness and the application of ancient and current knowledge and wisdom in evolving ourselves as a species.

  • Algorithms / apps that facilitate conscious evolution through the unique profile and patterns of the user by aligning passions and interests with information, courses, events, groups, projects etc.


10th House: Callings

PURPOSE: To support people in the development of their callings and public roles and cultivate awareness about the complementary roles of other species and all parts of the ecosystem in the web of life.  For example:


  • Showcasing individuals gifts, skills, portfolios etc.

  • Supporting creative connections in service of roles

  • Providing feedback opportunities

  • Mapping and showcasing the roles of all parts of the ecosystem – helping people understand the unique contribution of all human and non-human parts in their complementarity with the whole.


11th House: Governance and self-organization


PURPOSE: To provide the organizing structure for Citizens for a Healthy Earth (CHE), a global citizen-led movement for a healthy earth and for Eco-Governance and its different functions, organizing principles, forums and decision making processes. For example:

  • apps for self-organizing wisdom and expertise councils to form and offer guidance to the community

  • apps that streamline the processing of information among the different groups and functions

  • the foundational evolving infrastructure for the whole community


12th House: Collective consciousness:

PURPOSE: To develop symbolic, dream and mythological wisdom, interspecies and inter-dimensional communication, understanding the collective unconscious and consciousness in order to support the evolution of human consciousness. For example:

  • Dream forums for accessing collective dream wisdom and its relevance

  • Apps that cultivate consciousness and intuitive and embodied intelligences

  • Cultural meaning making forums

  • Meditation forums and global meditations apps

13th House: Systemic wisdom

PURPOSE: To cultivate the awareness of Interdependencies and collaborations among the parts and the whole.  For example:

  • Apps that identify connections between the parts and the whole (Follow the flow technology)

  • Mapping apps that identify all stakeholders on issues

  • Apps that reveal how energy flows through the system

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