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Humanity reclaiming “humanity”: December 2013

It is Christmas season and we are asking ourselves about what it means to celebrate faith, kindness, love and justice in the context of global atrocities towards animals.

A growing number of petitions from across the world give voice to unseen and unheard agony of billions of animals subjected to human brutality. The atrocities range from canned hunting to brutal scientific experiments, excruciating suffering of animals in the factory farm industry, domestic animal abuse, the use of animals for entertainment, lucky charms, exotic potions and trinkets and more. So what does all this say about the state of humanity December 2013?

It seems humans are still largely dependent on external law for our morality and kindness towards those who depend on us. If humanity as a species is to live up to and evolve its self-claimed essence of kindness and compassion we can no longer afford to collude with our collective “inhumanity” towards animals. Holiday season is also traditionally a time of miracles and it feels a fitting time for humans to lead the miracle of reclaiming our humaneness. The bleak situation for animals will not change until we take action and formally protect them by law and religious dictate. It is a fitting season to insist that all our religious, political and social leaders take up their role as true stewards of the planet and lead the evolution of humanity to its accurate place among other species and honoring of all species.

The state of humanity that perpetrates such atrocities towards vulnerable creatures through greed, ignorance and cruelty requires courageous leadership to withstand conservative pressure and financial interest groups and step forward to protect all of creation. It is up to all citizens of the world to actively call for such leadership and insist that those in power do all they can to protect animals, the planet and humanity itself, whose futures are inextricably intertwined. To this end we have created a petition calling on the Pope in the Christmas spirit of love, kindness and compassion to do whatever is needed to effectively protect animal rights in religious doctrine.

We are hoping that the Pope who has taken the name of Francis, inspired by St Francis of Assisi, will live up to the name he has chosen and take the first step among world leaders to unambiguously include animal rights as core to human faith and morality and embed animal rights in religious doctrine and secular law. A similar global animal rights petition was initiated calling on the United Nations to issue a Universal Declaration on Animal Welfare .

Please join and amplify this spontaneous self-organizing campaign to make December 2013 a holiday season of justice, freedom and mercy for the animals. We would love to hear from you.

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